Eminence Spa and Retreat

In-House financing available. AfterPay, FSA, and HSA accepted.

Phone: (833) 735-2989

Location:4654 HWY 6 N, Suite 101 E Houston, TX 77084, USA

Location : 4654 HWY 6 N, Suite 101 E Houston, TX 77084, USA

Womb Therapy

$59.00 30 minutes

Womb Therapy is an ancient holistic practice that promotes proper functioning of the uterus and vagina. This meditative practice uses handpicked herbs tailored to the individual to assist in regulating menstruation, ease painful cramps, bloating, and treating various infections and diseases. Our yoni practitioner does an extensive consultation before performing each steam session to ensure safety and accuracy when choosing your custom herbal blends. You will leave your first session with your womb feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.